Ginger Bread Waffles by Kätrin. Kätrini piparkoogivahvlid

gingwaffles1 (3)Are you fed up about gingerbreads? This is a little bit more advanced and interesting solution.
Crispy waffles with Christmas touch.






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Soft Oatmeal Cake with Soft Caramel Candies. Kaerahelbekook lehmakommidega

To be true, I do not know how to translate ” Lehmakomm”. I translated soft caramel candy. But in real life, I mean candies, produced in Estonia, Poland or Latvia ( and Latvian candies are the best!!) with cow picture on the package.

These candies are similar to toffees, but little bit different, I believe you can replace them with toffees (Whether Original) or dulce de leche or some similar soft caramel candies.

Use some seasonal berries or fruits: apples, rhubarb.

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Soft Caramel Candies, Lehmakommid

And! This topping is very sweet. Do not use very sweet berries or be careful with sugar.candyapplecake (20)

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Very Simple Honey Cookies. Meekakud

meekypsis (1)Very simple egg-free honey cakes. You can try different flavours by using almonds, nuts, dried fruits.
This is an ethnic recipe. Today we are used more with stronger flavours. These cookies are slightly sweet,  with very delicious honey flavour. Rye gives bitterness and sweetness. Crunchy outside and inside are juicy.







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Pumpkin and Buckthorn Mousse. Kõrvitsa- astelpajuvaht

pumpkinmousse (1)Estonians like semolina-based mousse. Look at my blog! Semolina Mousse, Rye Mousse, Barley Mousse. Served with cold milk this is a wonderful and delicious dessert.
This dessert is special because of pumpkin and buckthorn. Pumpkin and buckthorn are forming a perfect combination of sour and sweet and… Look at these colours!

The mousse is soft and airy and fluffy like a cloud!

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Barley Groats and Carrot Pudding. Porgandi ja kruubivorm

barleycarrot (12)Should dessert be healthy?

Probably not. Dessert must be sweet and tasty and easy to cook.
But little bit healthiness does not make bad.
This is an interesting and very delicious combination of carrots and barley groats.  Sweet carrots and neutral barley complement each other and cold milk makes this everything just amazing.

This is a very good recipe in case you cooked too much barley.




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Crunchy Marzipan and Bilberry Cake. Marjakook martsipaniga

marzipancake (28)Amazing berry cake with crispy bottom and top and juicy filling. Marzipan is very sweet and tartness of berries balancing and complements the light sweet almond taste of the marzipan.
Marzipan is one of the oldest sweets made in Estonia, and it was first used as a medicine as it was thought it has healing properties and was sold in the Town Hall Pharmacy of Tallinn. As the legend has it, the sweet was invented by a man who worked at the pharmacy. However, the city of Lübeck in Germany also claims to have invented the treat.

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The word “marzipan” is derived from German Marzipan or Italian marzapane, most likely after St. Marcus; the Estonian name is martsipan. This product is an elastic paste made of grated, powdered almonds and powdered sugar. Read more about marzipan

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Crispy Waffles with Mineral Water. Vahvlid

minwaffle1 (5) Waffles have a very important role in Estonian history.
At the end of the 80s when the Soviet Union started to collapse, people began to private business. Private business was until then prohibited but the end of the 80s was the perfect time to start it.

And a lot of Estonians earned their ” first million” to baking.. waffles…

This was the easiest way to earn some money. Everyone had at home waffle baker, everyone knows recipes and making waffles was very easy.

A few years later this business was out of fashion 🙂 and people became set up more advanced businesses: shops and plants.

And what is the saddest, we throw away our old waffle makers “ESTA” or “Volta”. This is very sad because using modern waffle makers you NEVER get the similar result we used to. Old-time waffles were very thin and light and very crispy.

Now are these old waffle makers rarity and possible to get only in the black market paying a high price.

One option to achieve a similar result is to use mineral water instead of milk
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Simple Bitter Sweet Black Currant Cake. Mustsõstrakook

blackcurcake (1)Simple and delicious cake for people, who do not want or like very sweet cakes.

The bitterness of the chocolate, sweet and sour berries creating a wonderful combination.

Quark makes this cake lighter and healthier

And make quark by yourself. Trust me: It is much simpler to make than you might think. I won’t tell if you don’t 😉
Look at for recipe.
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Kama Quark Cream. Kama kohupiimakreem

kamakreem1(2)The Kama is the Estonian “muesli”.

Historically kama was a non-perishable, easy-to-carry food that could be quickly fashioned into a stomach-filling snack by rolling it into butter or lard; it didn’t require baking, as it was already roasted. Today the Kama is a perfect summer dish. Just add quark cream and dessert is ready!

The Kama is not translatable and technically not a dessert, but rather an ingredient sometimes used in desserts. It’s actually a mix of different flours – usually barley, rye, oat and pea. The Kama, like many Estonian foods, emerged because a lack of ingredients made people imaginative. After using all the different grains, they would simply mix the leftovers together.

You do not have the Kama 🙂 ?! Look at for recipe.
Honestly. I do not know what to replace it with 🙂

Because the specific taste of Kama gives the necessary and specific and delicious taste.

Did you know?
In Estonian Kama means in slang “stuff, things” and the same time the Kama means ” drugs”…:)
And the Kama is not only “muesli”:
In desperate times, people turn to cheap comfort food. In the 1970s, cocoa prices skyrocketed, pushing chocolatey sweets out of reach for millions of people. In the Soviet Union, states lacked buying power because the government centralized foreign trade. Chocolate became extremely scarce in the Baltic countries.
During the shortage, an Estonian candy company began experimenting with kama—a grain blend of rye, wheat, barley, and pea—to find chocolate alternatives. Read more

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