Simple Estonian Summer Salad

summersalad (17)Sorry, there is no recipe. Just amazing combination. I love this salad. And this salad has been a very very long time my usual salad during summertime.

You need

salad, lettuce
sour cream

Mix everything together and season with salt and sprinkle with dill.

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Cold Summer Beetroot Soup. Külm peedi püreesupp

peedipyree1 (8)Recently I saw TV cooking show, where participants were very amazed about beetroot soup.

Beet root is delicious, healthy and very suitable for soups. You can cook hot soup Borš- look at for recipe. But during summer time at least I need something cold, refreshing and easy.




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Goutweed Salad with Cottage Cheese. Kodujuustu-naadisalat

naadisalat1(15) Today, 70 years ago, was for 20 000 Estonians and their families very sad day.
On 25 March 1949,  29,379 people, mostly women and children, were deported from Estonia to Siberia.

8 years before, on 14 June 1941, 10,000 people were deported from Estonia.

What was their guilt?  The deportations targeted various categories of anti-Soviet elements and “enemies of the people”: the members of the former governments, higher state officials and judges, higher military personnel, former politicians, members of voluntary state defence organisations, members of student organisations, persons having actively participated in anti-Soviet armed combat, Russian émigrés, security police officers and police officers, representatives of foreign companies and in general all people having contacts abroad, entrepreneurs and bankers, clergymen and members of the Red Cross, kulaks,  Approximately 23% of the population belonged in these categories. Entire families, including children and the elderly, were deported without trial or prior announcement. Of March 1949 deportees, over 70% of people were women and children under the age of 16.
Because of cold, starvation and hard work, a great many of the deportees died. Less than half of the deportees ever returned to their homeland

Let’s remember all these people.

Today, for us eating weed, vegetarianism and everything from nature is cool. At that time, it was a matter of survival. I hope and believe that history never repeats. But knowledge about edible plants is still valuable.

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Beetroot and Herring Salad. Rosolje

rosolje1(1)Rosolje is a traditional salad, as Estonian Potato Salad, where all families has their own recipe.

For sure it contains  beetroot. And as says name ” rosol” (means (in Russian) cucumber brine,)  salted/marinated/fermented cucumbers is very important, as well.

Usually we make this with salted /marinated herring. But I have eaten Rosolje without herring and with meat or without meat and fish, as well.

Rosolje second meaning in Estonian is mess, diverse, colorful. So, this is my recipe

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Broad Bean Salad. Põldoasalat

If you want a simple, delicious, low-calorie and all natural healthy salad this is it!oasalat1 (1)

Very delicious and nutritious Salad. Recently I heard from one Australian Tv cooking show, that broad bean must be peeled before eating. I do not know. I heard this first time. So, if you have a lot of time, you welcome to clean and peel. But I use and eat broad bean as you can see from photo. Unpeeled.

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Estonian Vegetable Salad. Toome salat

toomesalat1(1)The good child has many names.  This Toome salad has the other name “Pail Salad”.

Word “Toome” has two meanings, as well.

Toome- bird cherry, and Toome as international meaning – “Dom”

It was not a very long time ago when from October until May we have not fresh vegetables and fruits.  Around a year were available only a few: apple, cabbage, onion, cranberries, cowberries, turnip, carrots. And that is all.
To get all others, we made preserves: salted, marinades, jams, compote…

The origin of the  Toome Salad dates back to this time.
In the autumn put all mothers and grandmothers these salad ingredients as layers into the pail. Salad settled overnight, and later, the salad was heated, canned in banks to preserve vitamins for over winter.
Now we have not to need for this. Fresh cucumbers are available around a year and we can make this salad every day.

Continue reading “Estonian Vegetable Salad. Toome salat”

Freshly Salted Cucumbers. Estonian Salt pickles. Värsked soolakurgid

soolakurk 1(2)You can find from my blog already few recipes how to make freshly salted cucumbers.

For example this recipe or this.

And now, one more recipe. You need salt and garlic and a little bit of time to get  very delicious solution,

Black currant leaves and horse-radish leaves and root are necessary to get the  perfect Estonian taste.
Where to use ? Eat as appetizer or with sandwich. Or cook seljanka, Kurzeme stroganoff or Rassolnik.




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Crispy Vegetable Stripes Salad. Ribasalat köögiviljadest

ribasalat1 (3)Did you know.

Carrot came from Afganistan and original carrot was purple. Orange carrots came later.

I love this easy salad because of how it looks like. Beautiful colors. Fresh vegetables are crunchy and crispy and using stripes make this simpler to eat.
Definitely you can add more different vegetables and combine with dressing and flavours.
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Broad Bean Soup. Kõrtsisupp

k6rtsisupp1(6)Beans are traditional Good Friday dish.

Barley has been cultivated in Estonia longer than any other crops – for over 4,000 years. And pearl barley has been a staple food for Estonians through the ages; it has even been a food fit for celebrations. In the olden days, the tradition in Estonian villages was to make sauerkraut soup with pork and barley groats on Thursdays and Sundays.

You can cook this soup on the traditional way: swell beans and barley overnight. Prepare beautiful and delicious broth, and cook up to 2 hours.

But I recommend the easier and faster ”everyday version”:

This soup has enough flavours, so you can cook this without meat. If needed add some meat leftovers or strengthen flavour with ready broth.
And Use prepared/canned beans and barley groats.

Continue reading “Broad Bean Soup. Kõrtsisupp”