Haapsalu. #visitestonia

20181124_113857If you are a sports fan, you will definitely know Haapsalu swordsmen’s Kaido Kaaberma, Oksana Jermakova, Nikolai Novosjolov, Julia Beljajeva, Irina Embrich, Kristina Kuusk, Erika Kirpu

Maybe you have even seen the historic very touching and sad movie “Vehkleja” The Fencer. The film was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 88th Academy Awards, making the December shortlist of nine films, but it was not nominated. The Fencer was also nominated for the Golden Globe award in the Best Foreign Language Film category as a Finnish/German/Estonian co-production.

Continue reading “Haapsalu. #visitestonia”

10 Most Popular Posts of 2018 on EstonianCuisine

Happy New Year!!
Thank you all my readers!
I hope you enjoyed all recipes I shared and most important: found something new and lot of inspiration 🙂

These are the most popular posts on  www. estoniancuisine.com.

As in last year the most popular post was about Estonian Black Rye Bread.

    1. How To Do Estonian Black Rye Bread.   Estonian Black Bread is fermented Rye Bread. For this bread we have even the own word: LEIB
      eestileib2How To Do Estonian Black Bread. Leib
    2. Somewhat surprisingly reached the second place exotic SÜLT: How to do Meat Jelly/Aspic.  Sült was traditional winter time food, but nowadays it more popular in summertime.dsc02139
  1. The third place achieved the wonderful Estonian dessert KOHUKE. Estonian Secret: Kohuke. Chocolate Glazed Quark Snack
    Kohuke- chocolate glazed quark snack is very popular dessert for children breakfast.  


    Estonian Chocolate glazed Quark Snack. Kohuke
    Estonian Chocolate glazed Quark Snack. Kohuke
  2. Estonian Style Sauerkraut with Pork and Barley is called ” Mulgikapsad”. Kapsad- means Cabbage and Mulgi- Mulgimaa is area in South-Estonia, with own culture, traditions, food and dialect.
  3. And more cabbage 🙂 Stuffed Cabbage Rolls. Kapsarullid .Stuffed Cabbage Rolls are dish what is known, I believe, in everywhere. But every nation has his own recipe, something different, which give for this dish special touch and make it different,kapsarull1 (4)
  4. Mulgipuder means Mulgi’s porridge. This dish is very old though. In former times when people had wood burning stoves the porridge was placed on a stove in the morning where it had time to cook and get simmer and better.
    mulgipuder1 (1)
  5. Homemade Ginger Breads. Piparkoogid. In Estonian, Piparkook means, in direct translation – pepper cake. So, nothing about ginger
  6. Kama is Estonian traditional finely milled flour mixture. Estonians buying Kama mixture from shop.. and the easiest way is to try this, probably visit Estonia. But I still give you the recipe.kama uus (7)
  7. If you’re looking for a simple, yet delicious dessert, your search is over!
    Kirju Koer is one of my favorite simple desserts, just because it’s so easy to make and still as tasty. The perfect and very very sweet old school dessert or cake.kirjukoer 1(9)
  8. Crispy and Juicy Brita Cake. Brita kook. As I know this cake is origin from Sweden, but because of taste and simplicity is very popular in Estoniabitta (25)





The Liebster Award

It was a nice surprise to receive this nomination from Zoe, https://crichtonscoop.wordpress.com/  Thank you!
Blog name „ Cooking With Soul“ says everything . It worth a visit if you haven’t come across her already 🙂

Blogging awards like the Liebster Award, are a great way to share blogs that you have discovered, as well as recognising the efforts of the people behind the blogs, and building the blogging community !


The rules are as follows. (Sorry, I did some changes, because 11 facts and questions were too much :))

  1. Thank the person/blog who nominated you and link back to them.
  2. Write a post telling your fellow bloggers 8 things about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions asked by the blog who nominated you.
  4. Create 8 questions for those you will nominate.
  5. Nominate 5-11 new bloggers (who have less than 200 followers)

    Winter #globalwarming

Continue reading “The Liebster Award”

2016/2017 TAG!

I have been food blogger just some months and already second blog-challenge!! 🙂
Thank you Carol for tagging:)
Please visit her blog https://cookingforthetimechallenged.wordpress.com/2017/02/20/20162017-tag/ to get real inspiration and answer  The Biggest Question..:) What is for dinner 🙂
The tag was created by David from The Guy Who Said Always No.
Please show your support and visit both of these wonderful blogs.


Continue reading “2016/2017 TAG!”