TOP 5 Estonian Rhubarb or Apple cakes

In Estonia is summer. And May and June are months of Rhubarb. Let me remind to you best cakes. In all recpies you can replace rhubarb and use for example apples or other berries or fruits.

Estonian Quark and Rhubarb Pie. Pidusai by Terhi

In Estonia we call this type cakes and pies “Pidusai”- means “party bread”. This is festive and beautiful and everyone get one  own piece.

Soft and Delicious Grandmothers Apple or Rhubarb Pie

This cake is classic. Old School cake. Soft and tender

Soft and Crispy Chocolate and Rhubarb Cake. Šokolaadi- rabarberikook

Amazing combination of sweet and fluffy biscuit and crispy bottom.

Soft and Crispy Quark and Rhubarb Cake. Kohupiima- rabarberikook

This is soft and Crispy Quark Cake is a great combination of tart apples/rhubarb and sweet and light quark.

Soft and Mellow Rhubarb Cake. Biskviitkattega rabarberikook

This is one of my favourite cake. I love mellow biscuit and soft bottom. I love a combination of tart rhubarb or apples and sweet dough.

Sauerkraut and Fish Salad. Hapukapsa-kalasalat

hapukapsakalasalat (13)Homemade Sauerkraut, Fermented Cabbage, Hapukapsas is a very important and popular dish in Estonia during autumn and winter time and mandatory food during Christmas time.

In ancient time, Hapukapsas and cranberries were only sources of C vitamin, during wintertime.
Sauerkraut is a fermented food and this is not the only a source of vitamin, this is the source of the probiotic bacterium and this is excellent for your health.

One wonderful salad recipe.
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Barley and Cheese Salad. Kruubi- ja juustusalat

barleysalad (6)Simple everyday salad.One more delicious option to use boiled barley groats.

For me, barley, thyme and cheese is the best combination.

Flavours complement each other. Ham is just in addition to getting more nutritious meal.
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Soft Oatmeal Cake with Soft Caramel Candies. Kaerahelbekook lehmakommidega

To be true, I do not know how to translate ” Lehmakomm”. I translated soft caramel candy. But in real life, I mean candies, produced in Estonia, Poland or Latvia ( and Latvian candies are the best!!) with cow picture on the package.

These candies are similar to toffees, but little bit different, I believe you can replace them with toffees (Whether Original) or dulce de leche or some similar soft caramel candies.

Use some seasonal berries or fruits: apples, rhubarb.

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Soft Caramel Candies, Lehmakommid

And! This topping is very sweet. Do not use very sweet berries or be careful with sugar.candyapplecake (20)

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Very Simple Honey Cookies. Meekakud

meekypsis (1)Very simple egg-free honey cakes. You can try different flavours by using almonds, nuts, dried fruits.
This is an ethnic recipe. Today we are used more with stronger flavours. These cookies are slightly sweet,  with very delicious honey flavour. Rye gives bitterness and sweetness. Crunchy outside and inside are juicy.







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The Estonian Kitchen: 5 Estonian Breakfast Ideas

95895-20160814_151150Estonians have a saying: breakfast eat yourself, lunch share with friend and dinner give to the enemy.20190421_094950.jpg

So, from childhood has been repeated to us: breakfast is very important.
I am a “breakfast person”. I’m hungry in the morning and I want to eat.
And there is a huge difference between Workdays and Weekends. On Workday mornings I am so sleepy and not able to act or cook. I prefer to have breakfast something very easy to prepare.
But On Weekends  I have time. Weekend Breakfast is more complicated. A lot of Estonians has a tradition: Sunday Pancakes. I usually cannot eat sweets in the morning but I like for Weekends to prepare some eggs: fried, omelette, scrambled, boiled…

Talking about breakfast habits I have to admit that as probably everywhere, Estonians has different preferences and habits 🙂

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