Ginger Bread Waffles by Kätrin. Kätrini piparkoogivahvlid

gingwaffles1 (3)Are you fed up about gingerbreads? This is a little bit more advanced and interesting solution.
Crispy waffles with Christmas touch.






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Barley and Cheese Salad. Kruubi- ja juustusalat

barleysalad (6)Simple everyday salad.One more delicious option to use boiled barley groats.

For me, barley, thyme and cheese is the best combination.

Flavours complement each other. Ham is just in addition to getting more nutritious meal.
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Soft Oatmeal Cake with Soft Caramel Candies. Kaerahelbekook lehmakommidega

To be true, I do not know how to translate ” Lehmakomm”. I translated soft caramel candy. But in real life, I mean candies, produced in Estonia, Poland or Latvia ( and Latvian candies are the best!!) with cow picture on the package.

These candies are similar to toffees, but little bit different, I believe you can replace them with toffees (Whether Original) or dulce de leche or some similar soft caramel candies.

Use some seasonal berries or fruits: apples, rhubarb.

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Soft Caramel Candies, Lehmakommid

And! This topping is very sweet. Do not use very sweet berries or be careful with sugar.candyapplecake (20)

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Very Simple Honey Cookies. Meekakud

meekypsis (1)Very simple egg-free honey cakes. You can try different flavours by using almonds, nuts, dried fruits.
This is an ethnic recipe. Today we are used more with stronger flavours. These cookies are slightly sweet,  with very delicious honey flavour. Rye gives bitterness and sweetness. Crunchy outside and inside are juicy.







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