Carrot and Bean Fritters. Porgandi- oakotletid

oaporgandikotlett (7)A fresh, light, vegetable fritters for dinner.











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Sauerkraut and Beetroot Salad. Hapukapsa-peedisalat

hapukapsapeedisalat (1)Homemade Sauerkraut, Fermented Cabbage, Hapukapsas is a very important and popular dish in Estonia during autumn winter time and mandatory food during Christmas time.
In ancient time, Hapukapsas and cranberries were only sources of  C vitamin, during wintertime.
Sauerkraut is a fermented food and this is not the only a source of vitamin, but this is also a source of the probiotic bacterium and this is excellent for your health.

One wonderful salad recipe.

hapukapsapeedisalat (7)

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Barley Groats and Carrot Pudding. Porgandi ja kruubivorm

barleycarrot (12)Should dessert be healthy?

Probably not. Dessert must be sweet and tasty and easy to cook.
But little bit healthiness does not make bad.
This is an interesting and very delicious combination of carrots and barley groats.  Sweet carrots and neutral barley complement each other and cold milk makes this everything just amazing.

This is a very good recipe in case you cooked too much barley.




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Braised turnips with cranberry sauce. Stoovitud kaalikad jõhvikakastmega

turnipstew (5)Sweet and sour braised turnips can be served as a side dish with some meat or main dish.

I do not know. Does it is international that children just do not like some food? Like blue cheese and olives? ( or children who grow up in the Mediterranean are fond of olives??)turnipstew (11)

When I was a child I hated braised and boiled carrots and turnips. And, blue cheese and olives, of course 🙂
Now I am grown up and I can say that there is nothing better than braised turnips.

Sweet of turnips are balanced with cranberry acid. And this is the perfect side dish. This time I served it with grilled cheese.turnipstew (9)
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Wild Mushrooms Soup. Seenesupp

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I used in headline word “mushroom”. But in Estonia, when we are talking about mushrooms, we mean forest and/or wild mushrooms: milk mushrooms, russulas, chanterelle….

As Estonia has an abundance of forest, we like to pick berries and mushrooms.

This is very simple mushroom soup.  If you believe that barley takes too much time, replace it with rice,

I use frozen mushrooms. They do not need any additional cooking, while they are already prepared
Heat the mushrooms in a skillet until water has evaporated and added butter. Pour mixture into boxes and freeze over winter.

In autumn, when you use fresh mushrooms. Blanch, depending on mushrooms, remove blanching water and add mushrooms into the soup

Wild Mushroom Soup

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Print

A light vegetable soup for dinner.

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  • 1/2 glass of barley groats
  • 1-2 onions
  • 200 g – 400 g mushrooms
  • 1 tomato
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • oil
  • salt, pepper, dill


  1. Cook groats while these are soft
  2. heat some oil, add sliced onion, mushrooms and tomato. Cook, while onion and tomato are half ready
  3. Add potato slices, groats and onion mix into the soup
  4. Cook, while the potato is soft. Season
  5. Serve with sour cream and add a lot of dills

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Nettle Potato Fritters. Nõgese kartuli kotletid

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Nettles are very important and has been used in Estonian folk medicine centuries.
Folk wisdom teaches that nettle contains vitamins C and K, B vitamins, as well as minerals like calcium, magnesium and iron, to name a few
The nettle takes away fatigue, abdominal pain and water swelling, reduces and stops bleeding, reduces the appearance of diabetes mellitus

And did you know: nettles contain vitamin C 2.5 times more than the lemon (660 mg%).

But of course, you can use any weed to replace nettles. Goutweed taste like carrots and celery. Nettles are a little bit sweet. And wood sorrel is sour.
Nettles keep 1-2 minutes in the boiling water. Goutweed and wood sorrel are edible fresh.

NB! Use only young, fresh, new, small weed, growing in the pure environment.

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Creamy Cauliflower and lentil puree soup with mushroom cream. Lillkapsa ja läätsesupp seentega

lillkapsalaatsesupp (15)This is very simple and delicious everyday vegetable soup. And most important! This soup takes only 15 minutes.
Of course, I assume, that you use prepared mushroom ( as I do).

Fresh chanterelle: The mushrooms are cleaned without water, with only a clean, dry towel and paring knife. Heat the chanterelle in a skillet without fat/butter until water has evaporated.

Frozen mushroom: melt, fry slightly.

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Barley groats and Turnip Salad. Odratangusalat kaalikaga

odrakaalikasalat (4)A fresh, light, Estonian-inspired salad perfect for a  dinner. Perfect to use boiled barley groats leftovers.

This is the explosion of flavours and textures. Crispy cucumbers, sour cranberries and mushrooms, soft egg, sweet turnip and groats, which are tieing everything into one whole
As every salad, combine ingredients as you like. This is one possible combination. You can replace mushrooms and add ham or other meat.

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