Very Simple Juicy Apple and Barley Flour Cake. Õuna- odrajahukook

odra6unakook (8)One of the oldest grain cereals in Estonia was barley.

Barley was the mundane and the ordinary food and belonged on the table for common people. The oldest data of barley growing in Estonia dates back to the beginning of the first millennium BC.

And we still love barley. Karask is a famous dish in Estonian ethnic cuisine. But add some apples, and you get very delicious, simple and juicy cake.

Juicy Apple and Barley Flour Cake. Õuna-odrajahukook

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
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A juicy and delicious apple and barley flour cake.

odra6unakook (2)


  • 700-800 g apples or rhubarb
  • 4 eggs
  • 12 tablespoon barley flour
  • 12 tablespoon sugar
  • salt
  • cinnamon or cardamom


  1. Beat eggs and half of the sugar.
  2. Sift flour, little bit salt and cinnamon or cardamom together, and add remaining sugar, peeled and cleaned apples and flour to the egg mixture while stirring.
  3. Pour into a greased or baking paper-lined pan.
  4. Bake at 180 C for 30 minutes

odra6unakook (9)

odra6unakook (11)

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