Smoked Baltic Herring and Pasta casserole

Smoked Baltic Herring and Pasta Casserole

We need to talk about fish.
You can read from several Estonian official newspapers and brochures that we are very proud of our fish. And yes. There is a reason to be proud.
When you are planning  to visit our Estonian lovely islands you just have to try the local fresh whitefish or smoked eel and flounder. Furthermore, in the Eastern part of Estonia  with numerous beautiful lakes you can buy fresh bream, pike, perch….from local fishman .
But in my blog you can only see few fish recipes.

There are two reasons. Firstly, there just are not much fish.   75% of local fish is exported to foreign countries. On the one hand, it is good, But where is the joy in visiting an estonian store, and being forced to choose from fishes like trout and salmon.. from Norway 🙂  not local …

Seasonally you can buy Baltic Herring.

Indeed,  you can buy local bream or other white fish by 24 or more euro/kg from fancier and finer stores. Norwegian salmon costs less than 10 euros per kilogram. And chicken is ca 2 eur per kilogram…
So in other words story short. Fish is not always the option.

The second reason, again is… yes, you are right:) Our background and history. My generation

Smoked Baltic Herring

was served a fish dish  every Thursday at school . Thursdays were Fish Days 🙂
It has still remained a mystery to this day.  How was it possible to cook SUCH a bad meal from fish. It was usually  soup or sauce from cod or other white fish. But it was very horrible. It took me many years until I started to  believe that fish can be delicious…:)

So, I do not know much about fish dishes as they are not  my first choice.

Smoked Baltic Herring and Pasta Casserole

Smoked Baltic Herring and Pasta casserole was one of my childhood favorite food.
I never achieve such a crispy result, as my mother did.
You can replace the Baltic Herring with some another smoked fish.
This amounts for 20,5 x 20,5 cm casserole.

Smoked Baltic herring and Pasta casserole

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
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A light and crispy dinner


  • 0,5 litre (raw, uncooked) pasta
  • 400 g smoked fish (not gutted)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • butter and bread crumbs
  • salt, pepper, parsley


  1. Cook and drain pasta.
  2. Clean fish
  3. Grease casserole form with butter and sprinkle over with bread crumbs
  4. Put on bottom half of pasta, in the middle fish and as upon layer again the pasta
  5. Mix together milk and beaten egg, season and pour over casserole
  6. Bake in to the oven 175C convection , ca 30-40 minutes.

fiesta-friday-2016Join with me on Fiesta Friday and vist Fiesta Friday  co-hosts blogs. Your co-hosts this week are Jhuls @ The Not So Creative Cook and Elaine @ Foodbod

Soundtrack Reet Kromel ” Siin on oja”

13 thoughts on “Smoked Baltic Herring and Pasta casserole

  1. I don’t cook fish dishes much because the recipes I keep is limited. This sounds like a good recipe to add to my list. The dish looks delicious. Thanks for the mention and for joining this week’s Fiesta Friday party. Enjoy and happy weekend!

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