The Liebster Award

It was a nice surprise to receive this nomination from Zoe,  Thank you!
Blog name „ Cooking With Soul“ says everything . It worth a visit if you haven’t come across her already 🙂

Blogging awards like the Liebster Award, are a great way to share blogs that you have discovered, as well as recognising the efforts of the people behind the blogs, and building the blogging community !


The rules are as follows. (Sorry, I did some changes, because 11 facts and questions were too much :))

  1. Thank the person/blog who nominated you and link back to them.
  2. Write a post telling your fellow bloggers 8 things about yourself.
  3. Answer the questions asked by the blog who nominated you.
  4. Create 8 questions for those you will nominate.
  5. Nominate 5-11 new bloggers (who have less than 200 followers)

    Winter #globalwarming

Fun Facts about me:

  1. I just read, that now is the hudge trend to travel alone. Last two years, because we had our vacations in different time I had vacation in Rome and Athens alone. Recommend strongly!!
  2. I live in flat on the 13th floor,
  3. I like gardening. So 4-5 years? I grow tomatoes on the balcony.
  4. I have diploma of chemistry engineer
  5. 90-s were coupons to get basic food ( sugar, salt, butter, milk….) Because sugar was limited I quit sugar consumption. Yes. I use sugar for cooking, but usually normal sweet for me too sweet. And same with salt. I read, that getting older our tasting is getting less sensitive. I have exactly the opposite 🙂
  6. If in restaurant are set on the table same time main and dessert, I start from dessert and finish with main.
  7.  My main concern is: how to have LESS things.  I throw every spring away lot of

    things, and still.  How and where they arise? I have still too much things.

  8. I love cats philosophy: 1. Listen to you body. If you want. Eat. If you want. Sleep… (or listen transistor or drink kissel) 2. If you do not like, go away. if it is impossible: bite. 3. If you like or love something, show it up. Never too much love 4. Save your days. Move, eat only perfect food, get beauty sleep, Love and coddle. Life is game,

Here are my answers for my nominees

  1. If you could go back in time, what decade would you want to live in and why?
    I like present. Or. If we are talking about the Middle Ages or something, I must be very rich. Why? Because I fear the cold and I do not like dirty.
  2. What was the catalyst for beginning your blog?
    Few things happened in the same time. I sent my child in to the Canada and she need info  how to do our daily food; I got new camera and why not to study and practice and improve my English 🙂 3 in 1
  3. What are some tips and tricks for how you juggle blogging alongside your other life commitments?
    Oehh. Oehh. No comments 🙂 I am waiting for good ideas and tips.
  4. What is your favourite go-to outfit?

    Summer. At the end of the world is sunny corral where the horses live
  5. What do you do to unwind?
    I like nature and walk in the forest.
  6. Are you an entrée, main or dessert kind of person?
    Hmm… good question. Maybe „ main“ person.
  7. What do you get the most enjoyment out of – cooking or eating a meal?
    Cooking. NB! The most important. I love cooking IF I know what to do  for the dinner  🙂
  8. What is the most memorable meal you have had and why?
    Most recent. In Malta cactus. We never suspect that cactus has thorns ( yes, I am blond :)). But taste was really good and this was something new for me.
  9. Are you semi-fluent or fluent in another language, if yes what one(s) and if no, what language(s) would you like to be able to speak?
    Fluent? Only my mother tongue Estonian. But I am able to communicate in English, Russian and Finnish. My child studied in French Lycseum, and all parents got few year French as well ( to be able to help your child). So, I understand French basic and because my husband and child studied Spanish, and because French and Spanish and English and Germany are so similar I understand basic information. But yes, I cannot speak. But my dream is to speak fluent Italy 😉 (and understandable English)
  10. Are you a movie or a book person (you can be both too!)?
    I am  book person. My Kindle is my best friend.
  11. What is your drink of choice?

And please, let me introduce the nominees:

Here are my questions for my nominees:

  1. What is your most favourite dish in the world?
  2. If you were an animal, which one and why?
  3. What’s on your top 3 countries to travel to bucket list?
  4. If you could make one change in the world, what would that be?

    Real winter
  5. Why did you start blogging?
  6. What advice would you give to other bloggers about blogging?
  7. What inspires/motivates you in life?
  8. If you could go back in time, what decade would you want to live in and why?




10 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Väga huvitav, et alustasid blogimist, et tütrele kodumaiseid retsepte õpetada. Mulle oleks täpselt seda 11 aastat tagasi vaja olnud, kui 17 aastaselt Itaaliasse kolisin. Kaugel elades ununeb mul teatud eesti retseptide olemasolu täitsa ära. Aga kunagi ei ole hilja rohkem eestimaiseid toite teha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,
    Congratulations on winning the Leibster Award and the Real Neat Blog Award. I won the Leibster Award too.
    I met you at Jason Cushman’s Meet and Greet. Maybe you can check out my blog if you need any blogging tips. That’s what I write about. I also have regular blog parties like Jason.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great responses – interesting to read a little about your life too – (I think the cat’s philosophy takes it up to 11!) and questions for your nominees! Will also check out your nominees. Best of luck with learning Italian! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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